To Read on the Journey

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All That I Have (Day 31)

For 31 days I am writing to my children
my future grandchildren, great, and all my great-grandchildren.

When I think about you I think about how I want to cup your face in my weathered grandmother hands and just look at you.

I would gaze at you, and my eyes would speak that  you. are. amazing.  "Fearfully and wonderfully made."  I would be in awe of generous God, and that before time he wrote
you into my story.  You!  "I scarce can take it in."

My aged eyes would fill with soft tears.  I would breath this moment in.  Then whisper deep, "Thank You, Father.  Thank You."

There's a wealth of things I long to share with you~ words, experience, prayer, song, story, laughter... legacy, that I desire to place into your hands for you to live and give to the future generations.

But one saving name is the Sum of all I long to say.  I hold your beautiful face, and whisper the name that is all that I am and all that I have, "Jesus."

Live in Peace! 

Day 20 & 21- O I Need Thee 
Day 22- I Know Day 
Day 23- Tangible God
Day 26- Let It Sink In 
Day 27 & 28- Husbands  
Day 29- 248 Nights Without Sleep
Day 30- My Grandfather's Prayers

Monday, October 29, 2012

My Grandfather's Prayers (Day 30)

For 31 days I am writing to my children
my future grandchildren, great, and all my great-grandchildren.

"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children." 
Proverbs 13:22 a

My grandfather use to kneel by my bedside and pray. 
I didn't know it then, but he was fighting for me (and my little sister beside me, who hogged the bed); pleading to God on my behalf.

At the time my dad, his only son, was a volatile drug user, who lived in the driveway in his blue van (in his van was a retro orange floral couch, a little stand with a b/w t.v. with a large rabbit ear antenna on top, his "art" served as wallpaper, and an American flag draped the back window as a curtain.  A rose was painted on the outside of the van near the gas tank.  Coincidentally, when I hear The Rose by Bette Midler I think of my dad).   I don't know where my mother was. 

I remember my grandfather's face as he'd pray.  There was urgency in his expression.  Sometimes tears accompanied his urgency.  I know now that he wanted and hoped for me a life of blessing instead of the curse I had been dealt. 

Fast forward 20 years to May 7th, 1998, and 5 days after Noah was born.  My grandparents visited our home for the first time to lay eyes on their first great-grandchild (the bed-hogger brought them).  

My grandparents were delighted to hold the next generation in their arms, but something more than their affection for Noah caught my attention that day~ my grandfather's joy. 

He watched me for the first time in my lovely little home, with my husband and son, and saw that I was cherished and cared for.  

His joy was the result of his relief as he observed that the shadow that once hovered over my life was now enveloped by Light, and the next generation was beginning life in blessing instead of despair.
My favorite moment from that day was when my grandfather (a quiet man, who never spoke a word of English) placed his hand on Michael's shoulder and gave him a man-to-man firm grip of approval.  He said nothing, but his delight was evident~ ALL  he had wanted and hoped for on his knees at my bedside, and for 20 years,  had been answered.
My favorite photo of my grandfather, Antonio Teodosio.

"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children."  One commentary said this regarding this passages: He files many a prayer in heaven in their behalf, and his good example and advices are remembered and quoted from generation to generation.

My beloved grandfather left me a very good inheritance indeed!  And not just that, but he set an example for me to "file many a prayer in heaven" for my children and my children's children, too. 

(My grandfather's prayers for the bed-hogger were generously answered, too.  My sister loves the LORD, is married to a godly man who gives himself up for her, and is mom to two delightful  boys).
Live in Peace!

Day 20 & 21- O I Need Thee 
Day 22- I Know Day 
Day 23- Tangible God
Day 26- Let It Sink In 
Day 27 & 28- Husbands  
Day 29- 248 Nights Without Sleep

248 Nights Without Sleep (Day 29)

For 31 days I am writing to my children
my future grandchildren, great, and all my great-grandchildren.

For when you are parents- the ladies in the grocery store that stop you to tell you, "enjoy them, it goes by fast," they're not lying.  I know you won't believe me when you've gone 248 nights without sleep, and 6 years not having had a warm meal, but it's true...  
it goes by so fast

This time that you get to have these gifts- your children in your home, it's sacred. 

Bless them~
Lavish your children in Love. 
Speak Truth into them. 
Delight in their unique qualities. 
Believe in them, and speak promise over their future. 
Be affectionate. 
Because you love them, discipline them.  
Be silly and do silly.
Say "I'm Sorry."  
Give grace (especially to yourself). 
 For a short time, God made you keeper, so "rise and shine," and embrace it!

Previously posted May 2009

"Sacred" by Caedmon's Call

This house is a good mess
It’s the proof of life
No way would I trade jobs
But it don’t pay overtime

I’ll get to the laundry
I don’t know when
I’m saying a prayer tonight
Cause tomorrow it starts again

Could it be that everything is sacred?
And all this time
Everything I’ve dreamed of
Has been right before my eyes

The children are sleeping
But they’re running through my mind
The sun makes them happy
And the music makes them unwind

My cup runneth over
I worry 'bout the stain
Teach me to run to You
Like they run to me for every little thing

Could it be that everything is sacred?
And all this time
Everything I’ve dreamed of
Has been right before my eyes

When I forget to drink from You
I can feel the banks harden
Lord, make me like a stream
To feed the garden

Wake up, little sleeper
The Lord, God Almighty
Made your Mama keeper
So rise and shine, rise and shine
Rise and shine cause

Everything is sacred
And all this time
Everything I’ve dreamed of
Has been right before my eyes

Live in Peace, 


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Husbands (Day 27 & 28)

For 31 days I am writing to my children
my future grandchildren, great, and all my great-grandchildren.

"Husbands loves your wives as Christ loved the church 
and gave himself up for her to make her holy, 
by the cleansing of the word." 
Ephesians 5:26

I don't know how Michael does it- loves me and gives himself up for me.
I am critical, demanding, irritable, whiny, a worrier, and selfish- too often thinking of myself first.

I am not worthy of Michael's love,
but he does not see it that way.

He refers to critical me as "Sweetie."
He embraces demanding me, telling me daily, "I'm so glad that you're my wife."
When I am irritable he is compassionate.
When I whine he listens and directs me toward Truth.
When I worry he is calm. He is tender to my fears and speaks reason and comfort into me.
When I am selfish he cares for my deeper need; to be protected and cared for.

Michael doesn't let me get away with my foolishness (not anymore), but he is so full of care in how he husbands me (uh huh, "husbands" is a verb).

Michael MAGNIFIES who Jesus is by the way he husbands.

Because of Michael I see how Christ loves me and how He loves the church body.
I see what happens to a person when they are really loved- how it changes a person.
And, I begin to love others out of the surplus of love generously given to me.

"Oh how the little things 
Strengthen my tiny wings 
Help me to take on the world,
When you love me
There's nothing I wouldn't try
I might even fly."
Sara Groves

I pray that my daughters marry a man like their daddy.  I pray that my son, and grandsons, and all my great-grandsons will husband like Michael, and that they too will MAGNIFY who Jesus is to their wives. I pray this because this kind of love creates God glory ("the glory of God is man fully alive").  I want that for all my children.

Live in Peace, 

Day 20 & 21- O I Need Thee 
Day 22- I Know Day 
Day 23- Tangible God

Friday, October 26, 2012

Let it Sink In (Day 26)

For 31 days I am writing to my children
my future grandchildren, great, and all my great-grandchildren.

It's 7:45 a.m., my oldest is ready for school. We will leave for the bus in 20 minutes. In the meantime he is beside me on the love seat.  He cuddles. His 14yr old arms are not "too cool" to be wrapped around me.  

The girls, on the couch, are still in their jammies- a luxury of home schooling. Josie is covered in a cozy blanket, snuggled up in Emilie's lap.  Emilie is running her fingers through Josie's hair. 

I read half a chapter of Voyage of the Dawn Treader aloud. I know they'd rather be doing anything else, but I need this time before I blink and life pulls us in different directions. 

After some C.S. Lewis, I grab The Message, flip open to pour a bit of the Word into them; to pray it over them. 

"Stay with what you heard from the beginning, the original message.  Let it sink into your life. If what you heard from the beginning lives deeply in you, you will live deeply in both Son and Father. This is exactly what Christ promised: eternal life, real life! 
I've written to warn you about those who are trying to deceive you. But they're no match for what is embedded deeply within you- Christ's anointing, no less! You don't need any of their so called teaching.  Christ's anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in what you were taught. 
And now, children, stay with Christ. Live deeply in Christ. 
From 1 John 2, The Message 

This is my prayer for you today. Let God's Message sink into your life, Live deeply in Christ, and find that you really live! I pray in the Saving Name, Jesus, Amen. 

Live in Peace, 

Day 20 & 21- O I Need Thee 
Day 22- I Know Day 
Day 23- Tangible God