In her wiww post today, Lisa Leaonard wrote "{just for the record} i think WIWW is a little silly and i’m pretty cheesy... i take pictures of myself and my family teases me…
I too feel cheesy taking pix of myself all week (then wasting hours of my life editing them at picnik), BUT i like wiww for two reasons:
1. it causes me to wear all the items in my closet (i'd live in a hat, sweatshirt, and yoga pants everyday otherwise)
2. i am inspired by many of the wiww participants to look at my closet's contents in new ways- to layer, accessorizes (which doesn't come naturally for me), or to add a punch of sassy personality to my usually dull outfits!
wednesday- home school (hs)/guitar lesson/christmas play practice
purple shirt- my sister
gray cardi-target
jeggings- kohls
scarf- from the mediterranean sea! gift from mama holly
head band- tasha, from creation corner gift (with interchangeable flowers. order yours here)
gray flats- payless
purple shirt- my sister
gray cardi-target
jeggings- kohls
scarf- from the mediterranean sea! gift from mama holly
head band- tasha, from creation corner gift (with interchangeable flowers. order yours here)
gray flats- payless
thursday- hs/cross country practice
cream long sleeve- target
cream sweater w/floral accent- h&m
levi jeans- jc penny
scarf- shop in slo
red petal pusher- pleated poppy
converse- gift in 2007 from michael. my favoritest shoes!
cream sweater w/floral accent- h&m
levi jeans- jc penny
scarf- shop in slo
red petal pusher- pleated poppy
converse- gift in 2007 from michael. my favoritest shoes!
{12} i love my husband! my worn out converse remind me of him, and of being caught up in joy by the ways he is intentional about expressing love to me in big and little ways everyday.
on thursday evening michael worked late, and i served up some left over chili w/ cornbread. {13} josie craved warm honey for her cornbread and placed it in the microwave (which is in the garage because our over the range micro was damaged by me, and this o.c.d. mamma would never allow two micro's in the house. tacky. i figure we burn extra calories walking to the garage to nuke our dishes...anyway). josie set the timer for 15 minuets instead of seconds... and KABOOM!! she cried. i think she anticipated another explosion that was likely to follow from me. however, to all our amazement i didn't errupt! instead we were all (especially me) surprised by joy !
friday- hs/cross country meet
hoodie & pants- maurices (kristen turned me on to maurices)
brown, life is good, guitar tee- gift
goofy girls in their school jerseys- me
hoodie & pants- maurices (kristen turned me on to maurices)
brown, life is good, guitar tee- gift
goofy girls in their school jerseys- me
{14} at the cross country meet joy sweeps over me as i watch each of my kids run. their goal isn’t to win, but to run.
{15} joy steals my heart as my son wraps his arms around me, tells me i am his “extra favorite.” he shares with me the happenings of his days, his secrets, his silly stories, his questions, his hopes. {16} he stops me to tell me, “my favorite thing is talking with you.” joy, joy, joy!
saturday- a stay at home hat day! phew.
t-shirt- pizza my heart
red sweatshirt- gottshalks
yoga pants- old navy
hat- forver 21
t-shirt- pizza my heart
red sweatshirt- gottshalks
yoga pants- old navy
hat- forver 21
{17} cleaned the house, sewed christmas presents for my favorite little girls. watched "it's a wonderful life," enjoyed the sound of the rain drumming against our house and the tune of children playing. hat day joy refreshes me.
(pix start looking yellow from here. ick.)
sunday- church then winco
black top, jeggings, boots- kohls
red necklace- (gift from kristen) lisa leonard
necklace- lisa leonard
green coat- forever 21
black top, jeggings, boots- kohls
red necklace- (gift from kristen) lisa leonard
necklace- lisa leonard
green coat- forever 21
{18} at church joy is released in a community of believers worshiping and submitting themselves individually and corporately to the One. True. God. {19} Joy is the stillness of a husband and wife, sabbathing together, breathing in their Maker, finding them themselves/each other, again, in a sanctuary, hand in hand, committed to their God.
monday- home school/piano lesson/ bsf
top, jeans, boots- kohls
sweater hoodie- gift from michael
top, jeans, boots- kohls
sweater hoodie- gift from michael
necklace- lisa leonard
herringbone petal pusher- pleated poppy
herringbone petal pusher- pleated poppy
{20} studying the the book of Isaiah through bsf has caused the word of God to penetrate my inmost being. joy illuminates my heart as God unveils His promises through out the week and each monday eve. alongside beautiful women from all walks of life. for the first time my heart is satisfied in/by God alone.
tuesday- all kids to school (free at last)/physical therapy, coffee with friends, basketball for noah, and girls to 4-H cooking (yikes!).
white top- old navy
army green jacket- ann taylor loft
shoes-loafers payless (so old)
brown pleated poppy-pleated poppy
necklace lisa leonard
white top- old navy
army green jacket- ann taylor loft
shoes-loafers payless (so old)
brown pleated poppy-pleated poppy
necklace lisa leonard
{21} the kids and i had a tough/crazy morning. arguing. not hearing/understanding each others words. after the hurt subsided and grace broke through, reconciliation happened. it always does. and there was Joy waiting in the reconciliation, to wrap Joy's arms around us, and our arms around each other.
until we joy again,

Good job, well done. ( microwave story, sounds like the story , you,me bake potato,20 min to long.)
i just gave kristen 1000 cool mommy points for letting go & diving into fort building.
you get 1000 cool mommy points for your grace reaction to the honey :)
loving your joy posts.
You rocked out with this one!!!
I love ALL of your outfits. Bring the whole closet when you visit!
Thank you so much for your sweet comments at my blog, made me smile! :)
All of your outfits are so cute and have such lovely touches. I love the picture of you kissing your daughter on Sunday, precious!
Super cute!
Love love love your looks this week!! So glad you are participating and sharing that sweet smile and those lovely outfits with us all.
Well....aren't you just the cutest lil thang. :)
I almost didn't let yself read your post because I knew I'd get that "I hate her because she is so stinkin' cute and I love her clothes" feeling I get whenever I read your WIWW posts....but, I did anyways.
But I'm glad, because I LOVE Monday's r/w/b Kohls shirt. Too cute! (As are you!)
Happy Wednesday!
you are beautiful and joyful and i love you so so much!!!
Oh, I love your "what I wore"! SO cute! I would love it if you linked up at my blog...
you are the cutest thing!! can't pick one--love all your outfits! also loving all your pleated poppy flowers and your lisa leonard jewelry!
You are seriously the cutest thing ever. Seriously. I just love seeing all of these. The headband looked so cute in your hair. But, the real truth is you just have darling hair!! I love all the ways you can do it and it look simply cute each and every way. You have some darling clothes. Maybe I need to start doing this so it will get me to dress myself a little more lately. I think you could find me in jeans, a shirt, and a sweater of some color most days. I need to venture out a little more. Plus, I always love your blog because you are so personable. In each picture you can just see your joy of life and I love that. And then any picture with your kids you can see their joy in life. There love for you and your love for them. You family makes me happy. You are truly a special and amazing person. Even from blogging I can feel of your realness. I love it. Thanks for always uplifting me.
Oh, and the honey thing I just gasped at...then had to smile. That is life right? I love that you did not explode and everyone found joy in the simpleness of what little things can make a difference. You are the best.
oh this makes me miss you so much!!
i love the monday top from kohl's... love it!!
your jeggings are darling... even in my skinny days i couldn't pull them off.
your hair is getting long and i am loving your curls.
way to go kiddos on the running. yeah!
way to hold your cool on the honey. proud of you! this week lance left the water running in our laundry room sink with pants that were a plug for the drain. water everywhere. we may have to get new flooring in our laundry room and part of our hardwood floor redone... finding joy in flooring ;O)
you are so dang cute i can hardly stand it!! hugs hugs!
Where do you go to BSF? I'd love to know what it's like. I've been going to CBS (Community Bible Study)for about 8 years, but since we moved here... the closest one is over an hour away. I did hear that there is a BSF here though. So...maybe. :) Anyway... I always LOVE reading your blog. Hugs!! ~S
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