This is Holly, or Mama Holly as my family lovingly refers to her.
Holly and I met in 1994. We were acquainted through Young Life (she was on the committee, Michael and I were leaders), and through the preschool her children (Nicole and Taylor) attended, which I taught at. And that was it, we were just acquaintances.
In the summer of 95' I had been living with a friend who I love, but some people just shouldn't live together :-). I prayed one summer Sunday that God would provide me with another home. The next Tuesday Holly approached me and said, "I have been praying for someone to come live with us, and you came to mind. I want you to come live with us." The following Sunday I moved in. After moving in I met her hubby Dan and their almost 16yr old daughter Erika (I mention this because I think it is kinda crazy that I h
In hindsight I see that God was meeting a need for me. I was a 21 year old girl, almost engaged, and desperately in need of a mother. I needed a mom to hear and see my hurts, then walk me through them. I needed someone to show me what loving your children first looked like, what staying looked like, what making a house a home looked like. I needed a mom to tell me I was more, and could be more, and would be more. Holly did this everyday. She does this everyday. She adopted me as her daughter, made her family my family, makes my family her family, and even after 12 years, she is committed to me, as if I am her very own... (tears), I feel as if I am. She is my God- Mommy.
Holly is always smiling, even when knocked down, she is smiling. She laughs at herself, and doesn't take herself too seriously. She is always hoping. She is always learning. She is passionate, she is compassionate, generous, considerate, and tender. She lovingly wants people to know the Way, Truth, and Life. She takes Jesus and people seriously.
Ahhh! That was sweet.
She is all those things!
And she has fresh eggs too!
Here Here!
How does she make so many people feel just the way you said. I love HOLLY!
I have to agree! Holly Rogers is one of the most amazing (and FUN) people I know. Her love of the Lord is contagious! As is her love to laugh. Great blog!
Amy Smith
I know if I need a friend I can call. When my mom had menangitis and was so sick in intensive care she took Brady for me each day so I could fly to Colorado and live n the hospital. When my momma died Holly was the one who showed up the second my mom took her last breath and lovingly swept my kids away from all the sadness and grief. She spent hours helping me put together a slide show honoring my moms life. Holly is a gift from God in different ways to many of us because she accepts people for who they are. She loves you where you are and in spite of where your not. She enters in where many will not go and lifts you up. Holly is a inspiration, a sweet friend, a encouraging sister, a gentle momma to those with no momma! I love her and am deeply thankful for the love she has shown since we moved here. She has not wavered. Your testimony to her is beautiful Denise. What a gift.
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