To Read on the Journey

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wonderously Made

In the Beginning, O God, have You made heaven and earth.
In Your Word,
In Your Son,
In Your Power,
In Your Wisdom,
In Your Truth.
Wonderously You spoke and wonderously made.
Who shall comprehend? Who declare it?
What is it that gleams through me?
What strikes my heart without hurt?
What makes me shudder and glow, impassioned?
This force is so unlike me, so I shudder.
But this force is what I was made to be like, so I ignite.

From the Confessions of St. Augustine

yosemite falls
Yosemite Falls, Yosemite 
May 2, 2010

the "check engine" light came on in our van last week.  today it came on in our car.  it was only a matter of time for both.  we've planned to run both vehicles into the ground, and replace them when absolutely necessary (how we're going to replace them is another question).

it occurred to me that my spiritual "check engine" light has been on for a while, and i've been ignoring it.  my "vehicle" was past the point of needing repair some time ago.  instead of repairing it i've learned how to coast in neutral. to keep coasting one needs a downward slope, and i've been on it. there is no destination, i've been aimlessly traveling wherever the slope takes me. 

but i wasn't created to coast. 

i am wondrously made, and bound for glory.  

my life from start to finish is to be traveled on Victory Rd. 

pray for me as i go back to the Beginning, to my first love.
as i seek the One who made heaven and earth, and ask him to make me. 
as i ask Jesus to strike my heart!  to cause me to be impassioned and ignited, and to gleam through me again. 


Lynn said...

I love this post. Your words are beautiful. I love your analogy that to coast in "neutral" we have to be on a downward slope...but He pulls us out of the miry(est) of pits. He's not finished with us yet.....

Paige said...

Wow girl...that is deep. I completely get what you said and love too the coast on a downward slope analogy! As I pray for you, will you pray for me too...He has been tugging on my heart lately too to make him my top priority again.

Thanks again for striking right to the core of the issue and for keeping it real.

You rock Victory Rd, Denise!


Michelle said...

Denise - I'm glad I'm not the only one. It seems just when I think I'm getting it together, I start coasting in neutral. I'll be praying for you sister in your quest to start at the Beginning, knowing your Ending will be Glorious!

melissa said...

True Story: I saw your comment on my blog, went and checked out yours, after reading through some entries I immediatley yelled out to my husband "I love this lady, and I don't even kow her". =) I especially love that you like Stepping Heavenward! As for the "Invade" song- girl, that was exactly the song Jason and I had in mind when we moved in. I am so encouraged to hear that it is your prayer too.
Loved this post and looking forward to you being a great "blog friend"!!!
P.S. Thanks for the super man capes idea!!!

Simply Sara said...

Oh Denise. You took the words right out of my heart.
I`ve been coasting too.
I don`t want to coast anymore.

Praying for you sweet friend as you allow Him to ignite you.
Love you!

p.s- gorgeous picture. you need to print it and frame it. because I said so :)

Home's Where My Heart Is said...

This is a great post, Denise. I love your comparison with the check engine light. My light is on, too.

So sorry to hear both your vehicles are acting up. I hope and pray that it's a little thing. It's no fun to have to scramble and figure out how to get repairs done.

Also praying for you. I hope you can carve out some time real soon to spend time with your Father.


liltleli said...

Great blog post!

Charissa Steyn said...

Well said Denise! God lead us into the deep waters of intimacy with you!

gideonmommasita said...

ohhh, wow...thank you, that is exactly what I needed to hear.

Manda said...

Back to your first love...
I'm doing the same.

Blessings to you ;)

Kelly said...

Beautifully said!

Sandy said...

May God fill you with the knowledge of His will, and may you walk hand in hand with Jesus each day.

Blessings to you.

denise said...

Amen. Here's a post that really gets me thinking...and headed off the computer for my quiet time with the Lord. Thanks for this one.