One of the advantages to having friends Spinner & Ginger live near D.C. is that they can know the sweet spots that tourists don't know about. On our day together in the city they lead us to the Eastern Market! Here we enjoyed quaint neighborhoods, a delicious pancake breakfast, as well as local creativity, and culture.

Another advantage is that Spinner knows all sorts of interesting facts about the city. He also volunteers as a docent at the American History Museum (yep, the museum with first trains, cars, Lincoln's hat, Jackie O's dresses, the ruby red slippers, and Seinfeld's puffy shirt!).

However, the biggest advantage is that they LOVE our family. I just can't thank them enough for having us, and for spilling generosity, kindness, playfulness, knowledge, and FUN onto all 5 of us (i could go on and on 'bout the ramp Spinner built, and the GINORMOUS crickets he saved us "dungeon" dwellers from, or fortune cookie pancakes, great conversation,laughter, and more)!

As well as visiting the Eastern Market and American History Museum, we also made a stop at the National Archives to take a look at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Oh yeah, and you did read the title correctly!
There IS a GIVE AWAY! Watch the video below and share with me something you learned, ANYTHING! and you could be the winner of the first ever
$20 gift card to Starbucks!! Well the first one to ever be given away on this blog anyway.
(if you are reading this over at my facebook account and want to see the video and enter the give away than pop over to my blog at and leave your comment).Winner will be announced Monday Sept. 14th at 5:00 p.m.
ooooh ooooh! i want a starbucks card! does the fact that i'm the first one commenting make my chances less? actually, as much as i love my coffee, i just wanted to say that i am totally inspired more than i was already to take my family back east. there is soo much history there (boston too, where i lived for three years during high school and could have cared less about the fact that i lived 10 minutes away from the Minuteman!- oh the regret). i totally agree with spinner when he said that something to the effect that history isn't just something to keep in the past, but is relevant and worth learning about in today's culture. that's not quite what he said, but i don't feel like going back and watching it again (as good as it was). i loved the letter about elvis too. interesting the things that make it into big museums- a letter to the pres. about elvis' hair, not one about solving world hunger. i suppose he's a part of history too! i enjoyed seeing spinner and ginger- had heard about them from tony mclean during my PT for my ankle. they seem like really neat people, and i may have to pay them for the DC tour if i ever do get out that way- no need to build us a ramp (i'm assuming it was for michael- very sweet), just a tour would be super. :) thanks for sharing denise. we really should do coffee soon, with or without that card!
I learned that rattlesnake tastes vaguely like chicken. Weird.
I visited China ten years ago and the markets there were AMAZING. We walked through one that literally had snakes and turtles in baskets that you could buy-- eurgh!
I learned that if you are in D.C., it is very helpful to have your own personal docent named Spinner to tell you interesting historical facts. And I didn't know they had a C3PO in D.C. ...Pretty sweet!! :)
I have learned you are the same Denise that loves people and is so much more outgoing then most!!! You are amazing, goofy, and genuine. This is definately seen in this video!
1. The Eastern Market sells whale chunks and "twitchers" (pig tails). Built by Adolf Kruus(???) who was nicknamed The Red Builder--he thought it was because the bricks were red, but they called him that because he was Russian.
2. Noah's eyes light up for his mommy and Star Wars. :)
3. Nelson Jackson drove across the U.S. in 64 days in 1903.
4. I learned that I can find Spinner's blog link on the right side, not the left side, of your blog. :)
Fun trip! I'm telling you, you should come to ATL next trip!
Well, I try always to learn something from every experience - even blogs and videos! I need a friend like Spinner - I am in awe of people who can remember such information! I am thrilled to learn and see that a mother I always admire (Denise) is teaching her children to be life-long learners!!!
I learned that the museum of American History was once the museum of history and technology (one of my favorite museums, by the way - aren't the first ladies' dresses there? and archie bunker's chair, ruby slippers?) I learned that you still stop random strangers to talk to that! When you were at the eastern market you were right by where Jeremy's brother used to live. Never been there though. I think I learned that it might not be the best place for breakfast based on what you were showing us. I wish I had learned what you ate.
I did not know that twitchers were pigs tails. But I do know that I love Starbucks;). I so want to go to DC!
I learnt that Denise's hayir gits wild whein it's at the right coast.
(in my best South Carolina Accent)
I learned that while visiting the Eastern Market I most definitely would become a vegetarian.
And, I wonder if they ever did make Elvis shave off those famous sideburns.... anyone,anyone??????
Morgan learned:
Pig tails our called Twitchers!
The market sells Twitchers, Whale, Chicken Feet, and Pic Feet!! Nelson Jackson road across America from Northern California to New York in 64 days! That Ginger ate a rattle snake and it tasted a little like chicken. Your Favorite Flowers are Sun Flowers! Star wars was produced in the same town as you.
THe letter about Elvis! The person who built the red blocks was from Russia :)!!!!
Noahs eyes light up for his mom and for star wars
I learned:
your favorite flower is a sunflower
that the market sells very interesting food - like whale, pigs tails, and pigs feet.
the flowers in the market were gorgeous
i want a personal tour guide when i go to d.c.
same things as morgan
I learned that for Spinner, many words have an extra "w" as in wawnt. And that everything important is tied to South Carolina, and that if I win the card, I will take you out to coffee with it, Denise. You are very cute, and brave, and wouldn't eat a rattlesnake casserole, even if it tasted like chicken,(Who would make a rattlesnake casserole, anyway?)although I threw in the casserole part! I am glad that your DC trip was so successful for your family, when all had been so unsure after Michael's injury.
On a serious note, I love Spinner's coments about history and how it is living and continues to affect us today, just as the things we do today will continue to affect those who come after us!
Blessings --
The letter to President Eisenhower about Elvis's sideburns is hilarious!! And I love the tone of your voice as you're reading it!! So funny what people deem important!
Great video. Wish I could've joined you!
I've learned that Denise has a lot of friends who have a serious caffeine addiction.
By the way, Elvis did lose the sideburns (Check out the pics at the bottom of this page for photo verification:
I learned Denise's secret sleep potion...ssshhhh! don't wake her.
I also learned that there are a few people who can stay with you for 10 days and when they leave you can actually say, "Man, it doesn't seem like 10 was way too short!" But that is the way it was! (Everyone say, "Aaawwwhhhhh!) :-)
I learned George Lucas is from Modesto, CA! ;-)
You make me laugh...hope I win!!
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