To Read on the Journey

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Say the Name Jesus

In our family we say, "Jesus."

This began more than 6 years ago, at a time when I struggled with believing lies.  Sadly, I was overwhelmed with fear of Satan. I was giving him too much power and ability in my mind.
Growing up the phrase "the devil's in this house," was cried daily (usually in reference to my drug using, schizophrenic father).  The awareness that something dark was at work around me was at the forefront of my little girl mind.  This awareness would haunt me into adulthood.

For many years I believed that Satan was the equal opposite of God. 

He is not. 
That is the lie Satan would have us to believe. 

The Truth is Satan is powerless.  
I began a journey to replace the lies with Truth. 

In God's mercy He allowed ALL the lies to surface.  It was a difficult time, but hind sight is 20/20 and i see that God was being gracious to me.  Our Shepherd walked with me through "the valley of the shadow of death, His rod and staff comforted me" as He taught me to take every. single. thought. captive.  

Lies were replaced with TRUTH, and  I learned to "love the Lord my God with all my mind." 

I thought about the impact hearing the words, "the devil's in this house" had on me.  I wondered what the opposite would have been like. What IMPACT would saying and hearing the name "Jesus" have on me, and on my family. 

Scripture says
"that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Phil. 2:10-11

There is power in His name. 

I needed (need) that power.

So we began to say "Jesus." 

As we put the kids to bed, we kiss them and whisper "Jesus." 

When Michael leaves for work early in the a.m., he prays over me, then whispers "Jesus." 

When one of us drives away, the kids yell their good byes, and "Jeeessuuusss!!" 

When we drop them off for school or at a friends, we hug them, and whisper "Jesus." 

On all sorts of occasions, for no reason, but for every reason, we say "Jesus."
It is my prayer that the
One who is at work will be at the forefront of our minds, and that He will work mightily in our lives.


Say the Name
by Margaret Becker

A more sweeter sounding word
These lips have never said
A gentle name so beautiful
My heart cannot forget
Just a whisper is enough
To set my soul at ease
Just thinking of this Name
Brings my heart to peace
Say the Name
Say the Name that soothes the soul
The Name of gentle healing
And peace immutable
I'll say the Name that has heard my cry
Has seen my tears and wiped them dry
From now until the end of time
I'll say the Name
May I never grow so strong
That my heart cannot be moved
May I never grow so weak
That I fear to speak the truth
I will say this holy Name
No matter who agrees
For no other name on earth
Means so much to me
(repeat chorus)
With all the honor I can find
With all my heart, my soul, my mind
I will say the Name
Without defense, without shame
I will always speak the Name
Of Jesus
(repeat chorus)
From now until the end of time
Say the Name


Jennifer said...

I've never thought about that before - that is very wise, and something to remember. What a simple way to fight the good fight and confess REALITY with our lips. It is GOOD for your kids to constantly be reminded that there is more to life than what their little eyes can see. You are breaking a cycle, and that is powerful stuff!

Stephanie said...

What a wonderful idea! Thank you for that suggestion. I think I'll start puting "Jesus" into our daily vocabulary as well!

Alana said...

That is one of the coolest things I have heard in a really long time. Love that.


Kristen said...

i love this!

Renee said...

3 years later...saw this listed under your 'favorites' section. I've been gone a while-just trying to get cuaght up!
Amazing post. REALLY ministered to me, 3 years later. "Jesus"...precious Jesus...the only one who can remove the fear and the lies we believe. Thank you for sharing this, Denise!

Leslie @ top of the page said...

Love it denise. thanks for sharing this post on my blog today. i'm so tracking with you too!! you have some great, God-inspired ideas that i will be borrowing. looking forward to meeting you at blog sugar. :)