To Read on the Journey

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"You Opened the Door"

I begged Noah to let me throw him a party. 
For like 3 months, 
He considered it for about a minute,
and then said, "naaaaaa."

But he was turning 16.


That's kind of a big deal, 
and I needed him to know 
that he is kind of a big deal... 
to me.

It's a birthday tradition in our home to have a breakfast party; however, on Noah's birthday, Michael, was scheduled to work at the crack-of-dawn and wouldn't be here for Noah's big deal birthday morning. When I gave Noah this bit of information his response was, "that's okay... you can do it another time...  just surprise me."

"Uhhh, just surprise you?" I asked. 

"Yeah, just surprise me" he replied. 

"Okay, then... I'll surprise you," I smirked.

Seriously, Kid, have you forgotten
 who your mother is?!!!  

To quote our new favorite sitcom, The Goldbergs, "You opened the door."  ;)

Therefore, what happened next really isn't my fault... Noah, "you opened the door." ;) 

Noah's 1st period chemistry class

Breakfast for the students- Frappachino's, chocolate chip muffins, 
and silly hats filled with candy 
(because the way to high schooler's heart is through their sweet tooth)

Now, here's the thing- this could have gone great or terribly bad.  After dropping him off at school I endured the longest 20 minutes waiting for the results....

Then I got a text- "this is so great! thanks mb"

I totally teared up.  Noah loved it, and he knew on his 16th birthday, that he is a very BIG DEAL to me.


 Live in Peace,


Unknown said...

That is so awesome! What a clever idea Denise :) Love it.

Kathleen said...

So sweet and so glad he loved it!

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

Seriously awesome. I can feel the nervousness though... it could either be incredibly cool, or embarrassingly awful. Well done!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

ohhhhhh what a fun idea!!!! we are only aloud to bring in birthday treats and only at lunch....boooooo! I want to decorate a whole classroom!! Tucking this idea in my back pocket ;)