To Read on the Journey

Saturday, June 14, 2014

726 Days

Noah graduates from high school in less than 2 years... 
in 726 days.

I'm counting. 

Not counting down the days until he can go.  
I'm counting the days I have left- 

  the 726 days that are mine.


learningtable said...

Such a sweet post! I can relate -- my oldest has two years left as well, and it's heavy on my heart and mind that these days are fleeting. Enjoy every moment! :)

Kelli said...

Love this post. I know it all goes by so fast...I say that all the time but it really does. If I could go back and tell myself as a new mom it would be to stay home more and just enjoy those baby and toddlers. You will have a lot of time to put them in gym and dance classes.

Linda Z said...

Nooooo!! Make the clock stop! :) He is such an amazing young man. Can't wait to see what the next 726 days of his journey holds and beyond. :)